Pathfinder Open Reference 1.2.4 released

1.2.4 is now out. If you want access to betas, join the Google + community and then follow the tester link.


  • New Content: Bestiary 4
  • New Content: Technology Guide
  • New Feature: Article up arrow replaced with link on article title. Link brings up context menu that shows full article context.
  • Content Update: Updates from Paizo's site
  • Content Update: Major updates to gear.
    • Gear now displays qualities about the gear (such as damage for weapons, cost, etc)
    • Made it easier to search for standard (nonmagical) items.
  • Content Update: Fixed a ton of spell descriptions
  • Content Update: Added updated descriptors to spells from Ultimate Magic
  • Bug Fix: Bug in tablet mode that caused search results to not be bookmarkable
  • Bug Fix: Crash bug in rare cases on crash reporting (ironic)

Pathfinder Open Reference 1.2 Beta 4 is out

1.2 beta 4 is out now. If you want access to betas, join the Google + community and then follow the tester link.


1.2 beta 4 -

  • Updates from paizo's site
  • Major updates to gear.  Gear now displays qualities about the gear (such as damage for weapons, cost, etc)

1.2 beta 3 -

  • New Content: Bestiary 4
  • New Content: Technology Guide
  • Made it easier to search for standard (nonmagical) items.

1.2 beta 2 -

  • FIxed a ton of spell descriptions
  • Bug in tablet mode that caused search results to not be bookmarkable
  • Crash bug in rare cases on crash reporting (ironic)
  • New Feature: Article up arrow replaced with link on article title. Link brings up context menu that shows full article context.

Pathfinder Open Reference 1.1.7 released

1.1.7 is now out.

This is the first release to go through the new beta process. If you want access to betas, join the Google + community and then follow the tester link.


  • This is the first version using the beta system.
  • Lots of data from ultimate magic was missing from the Class Customizations section.  Specifically Bard Masterpieces, Cleric Variant Channelling, Druid Vermin Companions, Druid Domains, Inquisitor Inquisitions, Monk Vows, Witch Hexes/Major Hexes/Grand Hexes and Witch Patrons.
  • Multiple books had extraneous lists that come from how the paizo prd is organized.
  • Fixed a crash that is caused by trying to display articles that link in materials from other books if the user has turned those books off in preferences (This affects most classes).
  • Lots of typos and other minor data issues fixed.
  • New Content: Mythic rules added.
  • New Content: 2nd printing Ultimate Combat errata.
  • New Content: 3rd printing GameMastery Guid errata.
  • New Feature: History.  You can access it from the options (the three little boxes in the upper right) or just by swiping from the right of any screen.
  • New Feature: App has an option that can send the user to the app’s Google+ community
  • API: Start of API added (documentation forthcoming).