Tudor Diagonal External Tiles Released

We are back from vacation, and we've got some more Tudor external tiles for you. 

I'm continuing to round out the upper level of the tavern. We needed some diagonal tiles for the upper level of the front entrance.

External diagonals are a tough problem.

I considered a number of designs, and I finally went with this. It will work in any circumstance, but it doesn't always create a clean diagonal surface. If it's a problem for some designs, let me know, and I'll make a second set that has the wall cut out instead of in.

I've gotten some requests for a place where people using OpenForge can collaborate and see each other's tiles, paint jobs and layouts. We are close to putting out an OpenForge forum on Reddit. Keep your eyes peeled for an announcement there.

Grab 'em on Thingiverse with and without cross beams, and let me know what you think in the comments!

Rent a room at the Dirty Goat Inn

I've gotten a lot of the tiles I printed finally painted for the inn.  The first floor is nearly done.  I've got a bunch of my own designs for tables, ovens, etc., but there's a bunch of stuff in there right now from Paizo, Dwarven Forge and Reaper.  

As I keep plowing forward, I want to make sure everything in the inn can be printed, even if it's just me pointing people to other things on Thingiverse that fit the bill.  

Check out the excellent pieces by TalismancerCurufin and Trynn. You can see some more photos of the inn in progress on the OpenForge trello board

Open Forge 2.0 dialing back to one release per week

OK, a whole heaping lot of stuff went out this morning.

Today's release is for the Tudor external adapters.  These pieces are humble, but they tie together the external set, making it much easier to build any structure you want.  There is both a basic and cross beam set.

Second, I finished moving the Tudor external walls to the new style.  Go check out the basic, basic variations, cross beam and cross beam variations.  

Now, on to updating the window tiles.  

I probably won't update the door tiles, since they aren't going to be used on an exterior wall of a building on the second story.  If you want me to fix the external doors, let me know, but they don't seem to be critical.

Finally, the pace I've been on since I started this project is catching up to me.  I'm dropping back to one release a week for a while, because I'm barely managing to get the releases out.

This week, I finally bit off more then I could chew and blew the deadlines entirely.  With it being a rush to get two releases out every week, it's a lot harder to dedicate myself to the more creative pieces (like the bread oven). Slowing down will have a positive effect on the quality of my work.  

I'm leaving for vacation today, so there won't be a release next week.  If any of you happen to be in NYC for the World's Maker Faire, We'll be there both days this weekend enjoying the geekery.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. If you like what you see, please support our Patreon campaign so we can continue to bring you new ways to customize your games. 

Are you a barbican or a barbican't?

Today we finish up the release of the barbican.  The parts are here to make a full castle gatehouse, a gate in a city wall, and any number of other stone defensive structures.

We're still working on getting the external Tudor tiles migrated forward, so I hope you all enjoy this entry from our backlog. 

Grab 'em on Thingiverse and let us know what you think below! If you like what you see, please support our Patreon campaign and share this post with your friends.

Nerds at play: Wrapping up Rise of the Runelords

Our gaming group in its natural habitat as we wrap up Rise of the Runelords. From left to right: Monica, Morgan, Scott, Lee and Peter. 


Like a boss fight should be, this one was brutal. Morgan's cleric died three times. Monica's bard died once. Lee's wizard died once.  Thoughts of a TPK ran through our minds more than once. 

As usual, Scott's ranger did a ton of ranged damage, not to mention brought our cleric and wizard back from the dead by destroying Karzoug's soul-sucker platform. It also brought a previously downed Rune Giant back to life, but since we were facing a TPK without our cleric and wizard, nobody was going to quibble.

Peter's barbarian rushed Karzoug's throne like the rage-monster he is. Morgan's cleric summoned Planetars that countered the worst of Karzoug's magic. Lee's wizard cast Maze on the dragon, which kept Big Blue out of the fight long enough for us to keep up with Karzoug's assault. (He also spent a lot of time raising the cleric from the dead.) Monica's bard sang "Hungry Like the Wolf" to keep everyone's morale up, and a well placed Pilfering Hand ripped that metamagic rod from Karzoug's greedy grasp. And Devon's dedication to gaming and 3D-printed gaming terrain made all of this possible. 

All that's left to do now is figure out how we're getting all this gold back to Sandpoint, and whether introducing it all at once will destabilize the regional economy.