Pirate ship's main deck ready to sail

This is installment four of the pirate ship. This week we release the main deck, where you’ll find the officers' and captain's quarters on the fore and aft, respectively.

This release was rough. I had two separate printer outages this week, breaking my extruder and main board, hence the late release.  Your support made it easier for me to get the replacement parts I needed, so thank you all very much for being part of this project.

While it's designed for our Skull and Shackles  campaign, this ship should be suitable for any pillaging your group wants to partake in. This particular ship is inspired by The Wormwood, the primary craft in the Wormwood Mutiny. 

I'm not the GM for the game.  I learned this week that a second ship, The Man's Promise, is the primary ship for the remainder of the campaign. That ship is forthcoming.

Grab it on Thingiverse  and let me know what you think in the comments below!

OpenLOCK long walls/large floors released

Sorry all. We missed last week's release. Our printer broke and Devon lost half the week to a business trip. We'll try to get a double release in next week.

This week, I'm expanding the OpenLOCK offerings with long walls , large floors and long half floors .  It's going to be a couple more releases banging out the basics of OpenLOCK, then we can start with doors/windows and such. We'll keep releasing something else every other week so it's not all basics.  Next up is the deck of the wormwood!

Shiver me timbers! The lower hold!

This is installment No. 2 of the pirate ship.  While it was designed for our Skull and Shackles campaign, this ship should be suitable for any pillaging your group wants to partake in.  This particular ship is inspired by The Wormwood, the primary craft in Skull and Shackles.

We re-created the entire pirate ship, changing things here and there to create something that works in three dimensions. To get the exterior of the ship to have all the right curves, we had to think like ship builders and work from the bones on out. Pictured here is our second release, the lower hold (where the crew sleeps). We printed this in wood filament to achieve a more realistic look and feel, and it was worth it.

Given the design’s complexity, we’ll be releasing the ship in installments, probably every two weeks. (This installment took three.)

Grab it on Thingiverse  and let us know what you think in the comments below!

Deeper into OpenLOCK

We've gotten a ton of positive feedback for the experimental support for OpenLOCK that we published a bit over a week ago.  Well, now we are adding to that support.  This week we are publishing most of what you need to be able to use OpenLOCK with the vast majority of OpenForge 2.0 tiles.  Further, we've added the ability to use OpenLOCK bases with the magnetic system.

We have produced a full set of bases that support OpenLOCK as well as magnets for all the styles now out there.

These cover all the square/rectangular tile types.  As we add the other OpenLOCK styles (Diagonal, Curved, Hexagonal), we will add bases in all three stylings with and without magnets.

Finally, we have also created a collection where you can now find and browse all OpenForge 2.0 bases.

As usual, let us know what you think in the comments below.

OpenForge does OpenLOCK

This is an experiment in OpenForge supporting the OpenLOCK system. We've been in discussions with Printable Scenery , and we heartily support this open standard for locking tiles.  We have no plans to stop producing the tiles we've always produced, but given the ability for OpenForge to handle different bases for different uses, supporting OpenLOCK just clicked into place. (See what I did there?)

We've produced OpenLOCK bases that enable you to use any existing internal tile design with the system.  We've also gone all in on supporting the basic set of wallsfloors and half floors

Currently, this system seems to do a great job of usurping the need to do construction kits, but this is where you come in.  Tell us what you think about OpenForge and OpenLOCK.  Should we chase this down and make a full set?  Would you prefer we stick with what we've done before?  Tell us below in the comments!