Masterwork Tools loves the dock

What lake or ocean setting is complete without docks? These files will let you create the perfect space for shady dock-workers and stealthy ocean monsters eager to eat your face.

Y’all apparently thought it was a good idea, too, because this construction kit was No. 1 in voting. It works with all our other tiles, and we’re planning more construction kits in the future, so stay tuned. 

Grab the docks on Thingiverse and  be sure to sign up for the backer site if you have not. Vote for what you want to see!

Angled Risers and Half-Height Walls Released


Following this, there's only one release left in the basic set of OpenForge support for OpenLock. Here we have released Half-Height Diagonal and Angled Walls, Diagonal and Angled Risers and Full Height Diagonal and Angled Risers. A great use for these is the pictured staircase, but there are plenty of creative uses for the pieces.

Normally we try to toggle back and forth between a creative tile or accessory and the next logical tile for the set we're working on.  With all the work we put into getting the Masterwork Tools Backer Site  working, we're a little tapped on creativity, so we decided to go forward on finishing up the first run of OpenLOCK.  Lack of sleep from being home with our new daughter is somewhat to blame here ;-).  Next week we plan on finishing out the basic OpenLOCK set with the full-height risers, and the new floor sizes that rampage added since we started down this path.  From there we plan on mostly focusing on what gets voted for on the site, so be sure to get on there and have your voice heard!

You are the light of my dungeon

We're really excited about this release.  We've combined the strengths of OpenLOCK with a flexible system for making electrical tiles.

First, we have the Battery Base, which is an E 2x2 tile that contains a CR2032 battery and can provide power to any number of the ports on the bottom (though we generally power only one).

Second, we have the Powered Clip, which provides leads that take power from a battery base to any other tile that wants power.

Finally, we have the Torch Wall, which is an A 2x0.5 wall that connects a flickering led from an LED votive candle to the OpenLOCK port.

This is but one possibility for the kinds of effects we can now do given that we have a basic standard for power with OpenLOCK. We were inspired to work on this idea from a patron on the new backer site.  If you have not yet signed up, do it and let us know what you want!  If you have, go vote on tiles and add ideas for what you want us to work on.

Masterwork Tools Beta Site Testers Needed

 Thanks for agreeing to beta test for me!

The Masterwork Tools backer site is almost ready.  On this site, backers can:

  • Vote on tile sets they want to see created
  • Submit ideas for new styles/shapes/accessories for everyone to vote on
  • Discuss Styles, Sets and Ideas

Eventually I would also like to make the site able to display tiles from other creators who have designed them to work with OpenForge and want them included with the main collection.

I still have some work to do on it, and a ton of data to load, but the site is ready for some users to give it a workout.

If you are interested in testing the site out before full release, comment on this note, and I'll send you an email with further instructions.  Thanks!

Rounding out the curved tiles

Today we are rounding out the full cut-stone set of curved tiles (pun totally intended).

We've added:

As a part of this release, we are also making the Thingiverse organization a bit more tidy.  You can find the other curved releases here:

We're going through all the other OpenLOCK tiles to get them into this basic organization of three styles (Rectangular, Curved, Angled) with six forms (Floor, Riser, Full-Height Riser, Wall, Half-Height Wall, Flat-End).