We didn't start the fire

That's a lie. Yes we did. 

We think we revealed far too much about how old we are. 

Following from what we all discussed a few weeks ago, here's the second of the OpenForge Encounters: The Fire Shrine!

Like with the last shrine, we have some rune-laced walls, floors, a new option for the archway and a shrine. Since this is a fire shrine, we figured we should bling it up a bit, so this one can use Walmart LED votive candles for a flaming brazier!  (We imagine fire as a bit of a drama queen.) The flames are pretty easy to make using a hot glue gun.

Grab it on thingiverse and let us know what you think in the comments!

Diagonal ruined walls released!

First off, thank you to everyone who voted in the poll about how the project should focus on releases moving forward. We really appreciate the input, and it's made some decisions on what to do next much easier.

For future sets that get voted on, we're going to focus first on the basics (which we already do) of:

  • Floor
  • Wall
  • Corner
  • Door
  • Window
  • OpenLock Wall
  • OpenLock Side Locking Walls

With those, people can build most structures, including multi-floor structures, so it's a good basic set.  This does leave one left before we move on for Ruined/Rough Stone: Windows.

From there, we'll add a second item to be voted on for finishing out the set, which would include:

  • Diagonal
  • Curved
  • Openlock Diagonal
  • Openlock Curved
  • Risers
  • Full height
  • Mid walls

We are going to continue to toggle back and forth between releases focused on finishing a tileset (or other project that you all have voted for) and the random releases that we've been doing including the very popular OpenForge Encounters where we release a themed room.  In many cases, the OpenForge Encounter release will cause us to create some of the tiles that would be needed to finish out a set.  The following release will generally fill out that particular tile.  For example, we added one of the diagonal tiles in the earth shrine, and today we are releasing the rest of the diagonals.

Now, with all that said, on to the release!  Today we have the rest of the diagonal ruined tiles. Like all the other ruined pieces, they are done on the construction-kit style because of the large number of variations that can be created.  

Grab em on Thingiverse and let us know what you think in the comments below!

OpenForge Encounters: Earth Shrine

We decided to try an experiment this week.  Rather than release a full tile set, we built all the tiles needed for a room.  Our first one is the Earth Shrine.  The set includes in both cut-stone and rough stone:

  • Floors with earth symbol
  • Walls with earth symbol
  • Pillars with futhark runes that say "earth"
  • Archway inspired by the bluestone of Stonehenge
  • Bluestone earth altar

Grab the files from thingiverse and let us know what you think in the comments below.  We plan to release a few more of these in the experiment: Fire, Water, Air and Spirit.

Let us know what you think in the comments!