RepRap festival: the reason Devon had to wear real pants for a change

Devon, right, got to meet one of our favorite YouTube makers, Zack Freeman from Voidstar Labs. Photo by Devon Jones

Devon attended the first Rocky Mountain RepRap Festival in Loveland, Colorado over the weekend. I missed out because of parenting obligations, but he described it as a science fair for 3D-printing nerds.

There were no fees to attend or set up at a table, making it accessible to hobbyists and businesses. Word is that the turnout was good enough that the event will move to a bigger room next year.

When you just can’t leave your printer behind. Photo by Devon Jones

3D printing is delicious. Photo by Devon Jones

He likes big butts and he cannot die

Venom Troll painted min

Venom Troll, front (Epic Miniatures). Photo by Devon Jones

That’s not entirely true. He CAN die if you disrupt his ability to regenerate. But that headline would have been enormous. Like his butt.

Bringing it back around.

Venom Troll painted min

Venom Troll, back (Epic Miniatures). Photo by devon jones

This Venom Troll print from Epic Miniatures was a speedy one-session paint job. We started supporting their Patreon about five months ago, and Devon was happy to finally get a chance to paint a min from their impressive collection. Impressive like this guy’s butt.

I’m sorry. I just can’t stop.

Devon is in love with a new-to-him oil-paint technique he picked up from Secret Weapon, which he used for the base. Water-mixable oils are easier to clean up than traditional oils, but we recommend keeping mineral spirits on hand anyway to make your job easier. Secret Weapon recommends Phtalo Green, but Devon likes Sap Green, so we link to that paint in the materials below.

Paints for the miniature:
Pro Acryl Bold Pyrrole Red
Pro Acryl Coal Rack
Citadel Colour Contrast Black Templar
Citadel Colour Contrast Nazdreg Yellow
Citadel Colour Contrast Plaguebearer Flesh
Citadel Colour Contrast Skeleton Horde
Citadel Colour Contrast Snakebite Leather
Citadel Colour Contrast Volupus Pink

Paints for the base (all Winsor & Newton Artisan Water-Mixable Oil Color):
Raw Sienna
Burnt Sienna
Raw Umber
Permanent Sap Green
Olive Green
Payne’s Gray
Burnt Umber

Masterwork Tools is an Amazon Associate and earns a small commission from qualifying purchases. The first two paints for the miniature are from Monument Hobbies, and we also earn a small commission on qualifying purchases if you buy the paints through our links.